谢武双,孔红梅,全元,于恩逸,刘昕.高品质科技期刊的编辑人才培养 ——以《生态学报》为例.编辑学报,2023,35(6):700-703
高品质科技期刊的编辑人才培养 ——以《生态学报》为例
Cultivation of editorial talents for high-quality sci-tech journals:taking Acta Ecological Sinica as an example
中文关键词: 编辑人才  人才资源  人才优势  期刊发展
英文关键词: editorial talents  human resources  talents advantage  journal’s development
基金项目:*中国科技期刊卓越行动计划梯队项目(卓越-C-090) 
谢武双 中国科学院生态环境研究中心《生态学报》编辑部,100085,北京 
孔红梅 中国科学院生态环境研究中心《生态学报》编辑部,100085,北京 
全元 中国科学院生态环境研究中心《生态学报》编辑部,100085,北京 
于恩逸 中国科学院生态环境研究中心《生态学报》编辑部,100085,北京 
刘昕 中国科学院生态环境研究中心《生态学报》编辑部,100085,北京 
摘要点击次数: 96
全文下载次数: 525
      Sci-tech journals should adhere to the core competitiveness of talents,cultivate and develop a team of editorial talents innovatively, multi-dimensional training of editorial talent professional skills, and create a composite editorial talent, so as to promote the sustainability of sci-tech journals. The editorial department of Acta Ecological Sinica encourages editors to conduct in-depth scientific research, cultivate the ability of editors to collect and excavate information, improve the ability of editing and publishing, professional and technical skills, and constantly optimize the working system, in order to improve the overall capacity of journals, and ensure the scientific and rigorous completion of the publication services of journals in the whole life cycle of “scientific research-scientific expression-quality publication-effective dissemination”.This paper provides reference for the high-quality development of sci-tech journals by introducing the exploration and practice of the editorial department of Acta Ecological Sinica in the cultivation of multi-dimensional journal editorial talents.
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