Problems and countermeasures of digital copyright cooperation in Chinese science and technology journals
中文关键词: 科技期刊  数字出版  数字版权  版权协议
英文关键词: science and technology journal  digital publishing  digital copyright  copyright agreement
曾建勋 华中师范大学信息管理学院,430079,武汉 
摘要点击次数: 98
全文下载次数: 634
      At present, in the digital copyright cooperation of Chinese science and technology journals, there are some problems such as non-compliance of agreement text, imperfect authorization process, misalignment of publishing subject, etc, where risks of copyright might exist, which may lead to a large number of copyright disputes. By comparing the differences of digital publishing modes of sci-tech periodicals at home and abroad, this paper analyzed the problems existed in this cooperation in China, including the changes of relevant laws and regulations on copyright protection in China,the broken digital copyright authorization chain of sci-tech journals, non standardized authorized text, undetermined standard of digital copyright remuneration, unsatisfied digitalization level, highly homogenized platform, lack of copyright status of authors, and the slowprocess on open access in China, etc. Then ,we provided some countermeasures to tackle these problems, such as establishing the dominant position of digital copyright of sci-tech journals, improving the development of relevant laws and regulations on digital copyright protection of academic works, and implementing standardized transformation of copyright authorization methods with authors; setting payment standards for different types of works based on network traffic on digital platforms; strengthening the all-round protection of author’s rights and interests together with standardized author’s right confirmation;promoting open access publishing in line with international standards to help public warehousing services; and strengthening market supervision of digital copyright of academic works to eradicate exclusive dissemination.
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