Human error of reviewers influencing factors categorization and relevant suggestions from a safety perspective
中文关键词: 同行评议  审稿人  安全  人因失误
英文关键词: peer review  reviewer  security  human error
耿枢馨 中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司铁道科学技术研究发展中心,100081,北京 
摘要点击次数: 84
全文下载次数: 497
      In order to bettersafeguard and promote the reliability of the peer review, the paper introduced safety theories to study the problem of reviewer errors from the human perspective. Focusing on the micro level and taking the organic whole formed around acertain journal as a peer review system, we abstract the system composition and analyze its characteristics. Based on the classification of 4 types of reviewer errors, the causes of reviewer errors were analyzed. It proposes recommendations for journals to prevent reviewer errors, which arerespectively:to prevent at the source of governance beforehand, to keep a good gate for the screening of reviewers and the delivery of manuscripts for review;to enhance the effectiveness of fine management, to do a solid and detailed job in the management of editing and reviewing relationship;and to shape the concepts by infiltrating the culture and guiding the development, to keep the atmosphere of peer review in a good direction.
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