English traditional Chinese medicine journals should pay attention to the standardization of Taiwan-related terms
中文关键词: 涉台用语  英文科技期刊  中医药  国际传播  规范
英文关键词: Taiwan-related terms  English science and technology journals  traditional Chinese medicine  international dissemination  standard
基金项目:*国家社科基金项目(21BXW048) 
郭志恒 上海中医药大学科技人文研究院《中医药文化》编辑部,201203 
徐敏 上海交通大学医学院《上海交通大学学报医学版》编辑部200240:上海 
李海英 上海中医药大学科技人文研究院《中医药文化》编辑部,201203 
摘要点击次数: 99
全文下载次数: 601
      As China’s national power grows, the internationalization〖JP〗 of Chinese self run English language journals continues to increase, and international communication continues to enhance. Research on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is closely related to Taiwan, and TCM research involves a large number of scholars from Taiwan. Therefore, the standardization of Taiwan related terms in English TCM journals is very important. In order to improve the ability of editors of Chinese self run English journals to differentiate and analyze erroneous Taiwan related terms and prevent relevant errors, the article gives examples of Taiwan related terms in TCM English journals and puts forward suggestions for corrections.The author took more than 50 English journals in the field of TCM as the research objects, studied the definitions of Taiwan related terms in English science and technology journals, and analyzed the definitions of Taiwan related terms. Cases were summarized and sorted out. Errors in Taiwan related terms can be summarized as: incorrect translations for the Taiwan authorities and Chinese mainland, Taiwan, China, appearing side by side with sovereign states, inappropriate names for Taiwan’s “national” universities and cities, errors in translating the same names of educational institutions, etc.
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