钱金鑫,冯长根,李生才.打造国际学术会议集群,提升科技期刊品牌影响力 ——以《安全与环境学报》为例.编辑学报,2024,36(1):103-107
打造国际学术会议集群,提升科技期刊品牌影响力 ——以《安全与环境学报》为例
Building an international academic conference cluster to enhance the brand influence of scientific journals:taking Safety and Environment as an example
中文关键词: 国际学术会议集群  科技期刊  学术影响力  品牌形象  品牌影响力
英文关键词: international academic conferences clusters  scientific journal  academic inflence  brand image  brand influence
钱金鑫 北京理工大学《安全与环境学报》编辑部,100081,北京 
冯长根 北京理工大学《安全与环境学报》编辑部,100081,北京 
李生才 北京理工大学《安全与环境学报》编辑部,100081,北京 
摘要点击次数: 92
全文下载次数: 584
      Branding can help scientific journals stand out among many competitors. Therefore, exploring unique and effective method to improve the brand influence of scientific journals is necessary. In this paper, we introduced a series of international academic conferences in the fields of energetic materials, safety, environment and advanced materials organized by Journal of Safety and Environment, demonstrating a way, by building international academic conference clusters, to enhance the brand influence of journals and form their own brands. Besides, we summarized the specific role of international academic conference clusters in promoting the brand of scientific journals, and put forward suggestions for the development of international academic conference clusters.
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