Assessment, avoidance and blocking of data leakage risk in scientific papers from an intellegence perspective
中文关键词: 情报  科技论文  科技期刊  数据风险  数据泄露
英文关键词: intelligence  scientific paper  scientific journal  data risk  data leakage
王育英 《情报杂志》编辑部,710054 
王群燕 中共陕西省委党校陕西行政学院,西安 710061 
摘要点击次数: 80
全文下载次数: 446
      Great power competition makes scientific research achievements become one of the important information sources for foreign think tanks or intelligence agencies to collect intelligence, and the risk of data leakage during scientific and technological exchanges based on scientific papers has further increased.Conducting research on the risk of data leakage in scientific papers provides warnings and references for publishing work.This paper explains the necessity of preventing data leakage risk in scientific papers through examples and quantitative analysis, analyzes the causes of data leakage risk in combination with the characteristics of big data, points out the difficulties in identifying data leakage risk, applies the strategy of knowing oneself and the other in infomatics to judge the data leakage risks from both internal and external aspects. It reverses the key points of risk avoidance, explores a path to block the traceability of data leakage risk, namely, sci-tech journal publishers should effectively fulfill their obligation to inform authors, innovate the form and method of notification, improve the effectiveness, and refine the disclosure risk review of scientific papers content.
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