The role of scientific journals in the construction of science and technology innovation ecology in China and its realization path
中文关键词: 科技期刊  科技创新生态  科技创新主体  科技创新活动  科技创新环境
英文关键词: scientific journals  technological innovation ecology  subject of technological innovation  activity of technological innovation  environment of technological innovation
基金项目:*江苏省期刊协会2023年度立项课题(2023JSQKB39);江苏卫生健康职业学院重点项目(JKB202204) 
赵喜 南通大学《交通医学》编辑部,226019,江苏南通 
钦嫣 江苏卫生健康职业学院《中国肿瘤外科杂志》编辑部,210029,南京 
王晓蕴 南通大学《交通医学》编辑部,226019,江苏南通 
缪宏建 南通大学《交通医学》编辑部,226019,江苏南通 
摘要点击次数: 20
全文下载次数: 144
      Constructing a good science and technology innovation ecology has important strategic significance for promoting science and technology innovation and realizing national science and technology self-reliance.As an important part of science and technology innovation ecology, scientific journal is very important in the construction of science and technology innovation ecology.From the point of ecology, this paper analyzes the connotation and constituent elements of science and technology innovation ecology; expounds the role of scientific journals in the construction of science and technology innovation ecology in detail, such as the guidance of innovation activities, the platform of achievement exchange, the bridge of achievement transformation and the cultivation of innovative talents; puts forward the concrete path of scientific journals to construct science and technology ecology, in order to point out the direction for the construction of science and technology innovation ecology, and help science and technology journals serve the national science and technology innovation strategy better.
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