An exploration of the new media dissemination path of popular science in popular science periodicals based on audience demand
中文关键词: 媒介可供性  科普期刊  学术运营  科普传播  媒介融合
英文关键词: media availability  popular science journals  academic operation  popular science dissemination  media integration
基金项目:*国家社科基金2021年度一般项目(21BXW085) 
周华清 福建理工大学人文学院,350118,福州 
郑淇佳 福建理工大学人文学院,350118,福州 
贺嫁姿 《广东石油化工学院学报》编辑部,525000,广东茂名 
摘要点击次数: 28
全文下载次数: 230
      In the new environment of science popularization communication, popular science periodicals face significant challenges in content dissemination, necessitating the proposal of optimized paths for their new media dissemination. Based on the theory of media affordances, this study utilizes semi-structured interviews from the perspective of audience demand, identifying key issues such as a mismatch between content and audience needs, inadequate user interaction, and publication formats unsuitable for mobile environments. Popular science periodicals can strengthen their integration with new media, leverage their strengths in science popularization, and meet the new demands of audiences for information production, mobile dissemination, and social interaction when acquiring popular science knowledge. These efforts will improve the science communication capabilities of popular science periodicals, increase content attractiveness, satisfy readers’ personalized needs, prioritize the efficiency of interactive exchanges with science popularization audiences, and explore new paths for the new media dissemination of popular science periodicals.
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