Discussion on strategies to shorten the review cycle of architectural science journals
中文关键词: 建筑科学期刊  审稿周期  审稿人  同行评议
英文关键词: architectural science journals  review cycle  reviewers  peer review
基金项目:*中国高校科技期刊研究会专项基金(CUJS2023-D08);西安建筑科技大学教学改革研究专项(JG23YB55);学术诚信与版权专项基金(CUJSCX-2021-013) 
李睿奇 西安建筑科技大学学报编辑部 
戚亮杰 西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院 
朱娜 西安建筑科技大学图书馆:710055,西安 
吴海西 西安建筑科技大学学报编辑部 
摘要点击次数: 14
全文下载次数: 142
      Based on the historical review data of the core journal Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology(Natural Science Edition), this paper provides inspiration and reference for selecting appropriate reviewers for 180 domestic architectural science journals to shorten the review cycle and improve the quality of journal publishing. The review data of the journal’s editing system from 2016 to 2023 were quantitatively analyzed. Combined with the practice of journal publishing, the internal reasons for the long review cycle were analyzed from the perspective of the journal selection of reviewers, and solutions were proposed. Factors affecting the review cycle include the number of manuscripts submitted for review, the source institution of the reviewers, and the age of the reviewers. The internal reasons for the long review cycle include the mismatch between the number and frequency of manuscripts submitted for review and the willingness to review, the untimely update of reviewer information, the single structure of the expert database, and the lack of communication between the journal and the reviewer. To solve the above problems, it is necessary to start with the management system of the editorial department, set up a gradient management mechanism for reviewers and a multiple review frequency mechanism, add young reviewers to optimize the team structure, select through multiple channels to increase the diversity of reviewers and promote the development of clustered review resource sharing of architectural science journals.
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