A discussion on the citation and recording standards of retracted papers
中文关键词: 撤稿论文  引用  著录规范  参考文献
英文关键词: retracted papers  citation  recording standards  references
金铁成 《河南工业大学学报》编辑部,450001,郑州 
姚玮华 《河南工业大学学报》编辑部,450001,郑州 
邓秀林 《河南工业大学学报》编辑部,450001,郑州 
李艳丽 《河南工业大学学报》编辑部,450001,郑州 
摘要点击次数: 13
全文下载次数: 105
      In order to enhance the normativity of citation and recording of retracted papers, a comparative analysis method was utilized to examine the current recording formats in journals, the formats provided by industry organizations, and the formats recommended by official journal websites. The results indicate that the recording of retracted papers in journals is currently in a state of disarray, primarily characterized by the omission of the paper’s retracted status and the lack of uniformity in the reference format. The formats offered by industry associations all include identifiers related to the retraction, providing a relatively comprehensive record that encompasses both the citation information of the retracted paper and the details of the retraction notice. However, these formats are complex and cumbersome. Some official journal websites provide reference formats that include retraction identifiers, while others do not, making them identical to the formats used for regular papers. The citation of retracted papers should be done with awareness and standardization. It is recommended that standards or guidelines for the citation and recording of retracted papers be established as soon as possible, with additional citation examples of retracted papers to guide authors and editors in the standardized citation and recording of such papers.
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