Carry out innovation achievement evaluation, serve the industry, and empower the industry: taking Metal Working “Innovative Technology Selection for Metal Working” as an example
中文关键词: 创新成果评选  产业发展  服务行业  《金属加工》
英文关键词: innovation achievement evaluation  industrial development  service trade  Metal Working
韩景春 《金属加工》杂志社,100037,北京 
曹雪雷 《金属加工》杂志社,100037,北京 
曹胜玉 《金属加工》杂志社,100037,北京 
摘要点击次数: 12
全文下载次数: 86
      Scientific journals not only bear the responsibility of scientific and technological evaluation, but also undertake the mission of promoting scientific and technological innovation and industrial development. By collecting and selecting innovative achievements, scientific journals can discover more and better innovative technologies. By publishing process innovation achievements in the form of papers and promoting them, industry exchange platforms can be established to promote the widespread application of innovative achievements and advance industrial technological progress. By regularly organizing innovative achievement collection and selection activities, and widely disseminating the selected innovative achievements through all media platforms, Metal Working not only promotes the improvement of metal processing technology in the field of mechanical manufacturing and the development of the industry, but also serves the industry, expands richer author resources, enhances author stickiness, and enhances the journal’s influence in the industry.
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