The editorial department of the journal of Jilin university makes efforts to cultivate outstanding young editors by“Internal cohesion and external contact”
中文关键词: 吉林大学  学报编辑部  “内聚外联”  青年编辑  人才培养
英文关键词: Jilin University  journal editorial department  cohesion and outreach  young editors  talent development
刘珊珊 吉林大学《中国兽医学报》编辑部,130026,长春 
王浩然 吉林大学《中国兽医学报》编辑部,130026,长春 
沈晓峰 吉林大学《中国兽医学报》编辑部,130026,长春 
郭建顺 吉林大学《中国兽医学报》编辑部,130026,长春 
摘要点击次数: 22
全文下载次数: 186
      It is an important task for the editorial department of periodicals in colleges and universities to promote the growth of young editors of sci-tech periodicals in colleges and universities, stimulate their editors’ vigor and enthusiasm, and build a high-level and specialized team for running periodicals. The editorial departments of the 10 Jilin University journals have adopted a two ways approach of “Cohesion and outreach” to cultivate outstanding young editors actively. On the one hand, it made great efforts to promote communication and integration among the editorial departments of the university’s periodicals and provided a communication platform for young editors by organizing activities such as academic salons, innovation forums, and debate contests, to strengthen the cohesion of the editorial staff. On the other hand, encouraged editors to go out and strengthened ties with scientific researchers and editorial associates, participate in academic conferences on relevant disciplines, understand the needs of scientists and entrepreneurs, plan top-quality academic conferences, create special columns, construct knowledge maps of professional fields and expert maps, which promoted young editors to update their knowledge structure, broaden their academic horizons and develop their media skills, constantly improved editorial planning ability, organizational ability, and academic insight.
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