1 专栏/专刊的组稿出版模式2 出版前后宣传推广,延伸出版价值3 及时追踪已刊出专栏/专刊文章的影响力4 组稿与自投稿的协调和相互促进5 ? 结束语6? 参考文献
Exploration and practice of organizing special column/issue for national great strategy demand of country : a case study of Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress
投稿时间:2024-07-24  修订日期:2025-02-25
中文关键词: 专栏  专刊  科技期刊  影响力  优秀稿源
英文关键词: special column  special issue  science and technology journal  influence  excellent article resource
黄丽娟* 化学工业出版社有限公司期刊分社 100011
奚志刚 化学工业出版社有限公司期刊分社 
郑宇印 化学工业出版社有限公司期刊分社 
余雪娇 化学工业出版社有限公司期刊分社 
摘要点击次数: 9
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      The organization and publication of special column/issue is an important way for scientific and technological journals to attract excellent articles and improve the influence of journals. This paper combined with 20 special columns/issues published on the Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress in nearly five years, systemly summarized the idea and detail pocess in the special column/issue theme planning, the author selecting, the article reviewing process control, the promotion after publication and reference data tracking, etc. The special column/issue gained good response in the industry after publication. In the future, Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress will also organize a series of special column / issue for some key research hotspots, such as chemical process strengthening and chemical product engineering, to further improve the influence of the journal.
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