中文科技期刊人才建设内核与外延的探索实践 ——以《安全与环境学报》为例
The practice of talents construction for Chinese sci-tech journals in the core and extension dimensions-taking the Journal of Safety and Environment as an example
投稿时间:2024-10-31  修订日期:2025-02-24
中文关键词: 科技期刊  人才建设  期刊发展  智库,新质生产力
英文关键词: Science and technology journals  talent construction  journal development  think tanks  New quality productivity
钱金鑫 北京理工大学 100081
赵雪姣 北京理工大学 100081
冯长根 北京理工大学 100081
李生才* 北京理工大学 100081
摘要点击次数: 4
全文下载次数: 0
      当前科技期刊迎来前所未有发展机遇,对人才需求迫切,然而期刊领域人才资源缺乏整合利用,人才建设缺乏全局观。本文聚焦科技期刊出版全产业链,把科技期刊人才建设区分为内核和外围两个维度,通过阐述《安全与环境学报》近五年来的人才举措,介绍学报如何在编委、青年编委、编辑、审稿人、作者、读者六个方面,进行全方位地人才改革建设,使得期刊取得快速、高质量提升。 本文为国内中文科技期刊通过系统化人才建设改革,进行提升办刊质量,提供理论和实践支撑。
      At present, sci-tech journals are facing unprecedented development opportunities. There is an urgent need for talents. However, the human resources in the field of sci-tech journals lack integration and utilization, and the construction of talents lacks a global view. This paper focuses on the whole industry chain of sci-tech journals publication and divides the construction of sci-tech journal talents into two dimensions, the core and the periphery. By elaborating the talent measures of the Journal of Safety and Environment in the past five years, this paper introduces how the journal carries out all-round talent reform and construction in six aspects: editorial board, young editorial board, editors, reviewers, authors and readers, which enables the journals to achieve rapid and high-quality improvement. Besides, wo hope the paper can provide theoretical and practical support for the domestic Chinese sci-tech journals to improve the quality of publication through systematic talent construction reform.
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