特色办刊助力农业科普期刊影响力的提升 ——以《农村新技术》为例
Featured publications help enhance the influence of agricultural science popularization journals——Taking 'New Rural Technologies' as an Example
投稿时间:2024-12-12  修订日期:2025-02-21
中文关键词: 农业科普期刊  《农村新技术》  特色办刊  新媒体矩阵  “科研+科普”
英文关键词: Agricultural Science Popularization Journal  New Rural Technologies  Featured publications  New media matrix  Research+Science Popularization
黄庆发* 《农村新技术》编辑部 530022
蒙薇 《农村新技术》编辑部 530022
黄晓峰 《农村新技术》编辑部 530022
摘要点击次数: 2
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      In response to the communication challenges and difficulties in enhancing the influence of current agricultural science popularization journals, this article explores in depth the development strategies of agricultural science popularization journals. Taking "Rural New Technologies" as the case study object, this paper analyzes its publication practice in planning characteristic special columns, expanding "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" services, carrying out science popularization public welfare activities, constructing a new media matrix, and implementing science popularization project research. By combining practical agricultural science popularization, 'New Rural Technologies' has activated the characteristics of the journal, significantly improved the quality and influence of the publication, and effectively solved its own development difficulties. Agricultural science popularization journals should keep up with the pace of the times, actively explore publishing models that are in line with their own characteristics, and take the path of characteristic publishing to further enhance their social influence.
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