Four characteristics to be concernedin reviewing illustrations in scientific and technical papers
中文关键词: 科技论文  插图  审读
英文关键词: scientific and technical paper  illustration  review
郭凤霞 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院文献情报与期刊中心《大气与环境光学学报》编辑部 
胡长进 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院文献情报与期刊中心《大气与环境光学学报》编辑部 
左萍 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院文献情报与期刊中心《量子电子学报》编辑部,合肥 230031 
徐宽业 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院文献情报与期刊中心《大气与环境光学学报》编辑部 
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全文下载次数: 37
      The quality of illustrations in scientific and technological papers directly affects the academic quality of the papers, as well as the publishing quality of scientific and technological journals. Because authors of scientific papers are often not familiar with the relevant national standards and regulations for illustrations, the initial illustrations provided often have many non-standard aspects.Therefore, journal editors need to standardize the illustrations according to the national standards. According to the “four properties” that illustrations in scientific papers should follow, namely rationality of selection, scientific content, consistency of graphics and text, and standardization and unity, the logical sequence of illustration review is sorted out, and the general review methods and steps are also summarized in this paper based on the authors’ practical experience in editing and proofreading scientific papers and combined with the previous research methods and skills.Furthermore, taking the typical illustrations edited in practice as examples, this paper analyzes the specific review methods and targeted editing strategies, to provide a reference for editors to deal with illustrations more orderly and efficiently.
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