Practice of improving the quality of manuscript first review in science and technology journals of safety subject:taking China Safety Science Journal and Journal of Safety and Environment as examples
中文关键词: 初审  安全学科类期刊  《中国安全科学学报》  《安全与环境学报》  综合类科技期刊
英文关键词: first review  safety discipline journals  China Safety Science Journal  Journal of Safety and Environment  comprehensive technical journal
基金项目:*中国科协2023年度分领域发布高质量科技期刊分级目录项目 
刘娇 中国职业安全健康协会《中国安全科学学报》编辑部,100029
钱金鑫 北京理工大学《安全与环境学报》编辑部北京 100089 
摘要点击次数: 5
全文下载次数: 20
      Due to their extensive subject matter and significant intersections, security science and technology journals pose certain challenges and heightened demands for the initial review process. To address this, this paper undertakes an examination of China Safety Science Journal and Journal of Safety and Environment, two exemplary publications sponsored by the China Occupational Safety and Health Association. By analyzing the shortcomings in the initial review of these journals and their underlying causes, the paper proposes a multifaceted approach to enhance the review process. Specifically, it introduces six dimensions for manuscript pre-screening, adopts a dual-track system from the “protagonist” perspective to strengthen internal editorial capabilities, and leverages a three-tier strategy through external assistance from the editorial board to reshape the scientific initial review framework. The aim is to explore a distinctive pre-review pathway tailored for security disciplines and comprehensive science and technology journals.
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