Strategies for improving authors’ cooperation in scientific journal publishing
中文关键词: 作者配合度  不当署名  学术诚信体系建设  简化投稿  定制化退修  引导审读  有效沟通
英文关键词: author cooperation  improper attribution  construction of academic integrity system  simplify submission  personalized revision service  guiding review  effective communication
基金项目:*2024年度中国农业期刊网研究基金项目(CAJW2024-073,CAJW2024-085) 
于荣利 上海市农业科学院,上海 201106 
张琳 上海市农业科学院,上海 201106 
郭佳宏 上海市农业科学院,上海 201106 
朱丽娜 上海市农业科学院,上海 201106 
摘要点击次数: 6
全文下载次数: 22
      In the publishing process of scientific journals, seamless interaction and cooperation between editors and authors are indispensable. However, discrepancies frequently arise between them. The level of cooperation from authors significantly impacts the quality of manuscript processing and the efficiency of journal publication. To enhance authors’cooperation, this study summarizes the typical instances of non-cooperation during the stages of submission, revision, proofreading, and digital dissemination, and delves into the underlying reasons. To improve authors’ cooperation, the following strategies are proposed:1)enhancing authors’ academic integrity by offering guidance during the submission stage, making them acutely aware of the severe repercussions of academic misconduct through stringent penalties, and streamlining the submission process by deferring certain information-filling tasks; 2)inspiring authors through editors’ professionalism and personal charisma, and providing tailored revision services during the revision stage; 3)optimizing the proofreading process and guiding authors to meticulously review their proofs by refining proofreading requirements during the proofreading stage; 4)encouraging authors’ participation by combining demonstrative guidance with remuneration incentives during the digital dissemination stage.
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