Reflections on the consciousness guidance of the construction of Chinese sci-tech journals from the perspective of English hegemony
中文关键词: 英语霸权  中国科技期刊  意识形态  语言经济学  意识引导  文化自信
英文关键词: English hegemony  Chinese sci-tech journals  ideology  linguistic economics  consciousness guidance  culturalconfidence
任滢滢 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》编辑部361005厦门 
摘要点击次数: 77
全文下载次数: 581
      In response to the current situation that theideological work of Chinese sci-tech journals is mostly limited tojournal editing and proofreading or editorial department systems, this article aims to open up a new perspective for ideological work, taking English hegemony as the starting point.By analyzing the phenomenon of English hegemony duringthe construction of Chinese sci-tech journals as well as its harm to the healthy development of relevant regulations and economy in the field of publishing, it is proposed to be vigilant against English hegemony tostrengthen the ideological guidance of cultural confidence in the construction of Chinese sci-tech journals.Chinese should be confidently usedinChinese sci-tech journals.For the development of Chinese sci-tech journals, we should establish a consensus that is in line with the interests of our country.And Chinese sci-tech journalsshould improve services to enhance the sense of identity of Chinese sci-tech journals,realize perceived influence through organized journal publishing.
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