安梅.科技期刊影响力数据稳定性的数学描述.编辑学报,2011,23(4):303-304 |
科技期刊影响力数据稳定性的数学描述 |
Mathematical description about the stability of journal impact factor |
投稿时间:2011-04-18 修订日期:2011-04-18 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 置信限 稳定度 影响因子 特征因子 总被引频次 载文量 |
英文关键词: confidence limit stability impact factor Eigenfactor total cites number of published articles |
基金项目:湖北省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目 |
摘要点击次数: 1164 |
全文下载次数: 1051 |
中文摘要: |
参照统计学中的置信限的概念,定义了影响力数据的置信限和稳定度。这一定义不仅综合考虑了影响因子、特征因子、总被引频次、载文量等文献计量指标,而且具有计算简便、可操作性较强的特点。通过对工程技术类79种期刊的实例计算与分析,进一步论证了有关影响因子的置信限与稳定度在研究评价和期刊评估中的实用性。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the conception of confidence limit in the field of statistics, the author defined the confidence limit and the stability about journal impact factor. The newly defined concepts are not only took into account the impact factor, Eigenfactor, total cites and the number of published articles, but also with the characteristics of simple calculation and operable. Moreover, the author took 79 journals in the field of engineering and technical as an examples, further demonstrated the practical use of the confidence limits in the research evaluation and journal assessment. |
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