韩长友.编辑隐性知识的挖掘.编辑学报,2011,23(4):366-367 |
编辑隐性知识的挖掘 |
Mining methods of editors' tacit knowledge |
投稿时间:2011-01-20 修订日期:2011-01-20 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 隐性知识 显性知识 期刊组织 |
英文关键词: tacit knowledge dominant knowledge journal organization |
基金项目: |
摘要点击次数: 1132 |
全文下载次数: 1481 |
中文摘要: |
编辑隐性知识是编辑在长期工作实践中形成的内隐的而又高度个性化的知识,是期刊组织潜在的智力资源,是期刊组织核心竞争力的源泉;因此,挖掘编辑隐性知识,使其显形化,是期刊组织管理的重要内容。创造良好的隐性教育环境,建立合理的隐性教育制度和合理的激励制度,是挖掘隐性知识的重要途径。 |
英文摘要: |
Editors' tacit knowledge is the implicit and highly personalized knowledge. It is the potential intellectual capital and the resource of journal organization core competence which comes from the editor's long-term practice. Therefore, mining of editors' tacit knowledge and externalization of tacit knowledge are very important for the journal organization. Creating proper implicit education environment,establishing reasonable implicit education system and incentive system are the main mining methods. |
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