Analysis of structural and content characteristics of English abstracts in six domestic and international neuromedical journals
投稿时间:2011-12-09  修订日期:2011-12-09
中文关键词: 神经医学期刊  英文摘要  结构特点
英文关键词: neuromedical journal  English abstract  structural characteristics\= [WT5"HZ]First-author's address\ Editorial Department of Chinese Journal Of Neuromedicine,510282,Guangzhou,China
基金项目: 〖FL
王志娟宁 南方医科大学珠江医院《中华神经医学杂志》编辑部 
法志强宁 南方医科大学珠江医院神经外科:510282,广州 
郭洪波宁 南方医科大学珠江医院《中华神经医学杂志》编辑部 
摘要点击次数: 970
全文下载次数: 1229
      归纳6种国内外神经医学期刊论著英文摘要写作结构和内容特点。结果显示:国内期刊论著均采用4项结构式摘要,而国外临床类期刊《Ann Neurol》采用结构式摘要,基础类期刊《Nat Neurosci》、综合类期刊《Brain》采用非结构式摘要;与同类型国外期刊比较,国内期刊英文摘要存在篇幅较长,目的与题名、方法与结果内容重复,结论中缺乏研究意义的描述,各部分内容的表达不连贯等问题;国外期刊比较重视背景、结果和研究意义的描述。认为国内期刊可以学习国外期刊摘要形式和内容结构的多样性,加强背景及研究意义的阐述,以增强可读性和吸引力。
      We summarize the structural and content characteristics of English abstracts in six domestic and foreign neuromedical journals. Our survey shows that four-heading structured abstracts are used in the domestic neuromedical journals and Ann Neurol which mostly reports clinical trials. Non-structured abstracts are mostly used in Nat Neurosci which mainly publishes basic research papers and Brain, a comprehensive journal. Compared with the same type of foreign journals, English abstracts of the domestic journals have some problems, such as more lengthy writing, repetition of objectives with title as well as methods with results, lack of description of research significance in conclusions, and less coherence in the four parts. In contrast, the foreign neuromedical journals emphasize more on description of background, results and research significance. The domestic journals should learn the diverse forms of abstracts and content structure in foreign journals, and strengthen the elaboration of background and research significance to enhance the readability and attractiveness.
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