孔红梅.科技期刊应加强编辑团队建设 ——以《生态学报》编辑部为例.编辑学报,2012,24(4):390-392 |
科技期刊应加强编辑团队建设 ——以《生态学报》编辑部为例 |
Promoting the organization of editorial teams in academic journals:a case study of Acta Ecologica Sinica |
投稿时间:2012-01-16 修订日期:2012-01-16 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 《生态学报》 编辑 团队建设 |
英文关键词: Acta Ecologica Sinica editor organization of editorial team |
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摘要点击次数: 1065 |
全文下载次数: 1919 |
中文摘要: |
编辑团队是科技期刊的宝贵资源,编辑团队建设是期刊健康、稳定发展的基础。以《生态学报》为例,全面、系统分析并总结编辑部在编辑人才引进和培养、实施有效激励机制和完善编辑部组织文化建设等方面采取的措施和获得的经验。多年来,《生态学报》本着以人为本的原则,较好地实现了编辑个人发展与期刊发展的结合,充分调动了每名编辑的主观能动性,提高了刊物质量,促使刊物稳定、快速发展。加强编辑团队建设使《生态学报》获益良多。 |
英文摘要: |
An editorial team is a very important resource for academic journals. Organization of the editorial team is the foundation to assure the development of the journal. This paper chooses the editorial office of Acta Ecologica Sinica as an example to analyze and summarize the experience in organizing editorial team, including several aspects:how to attract and training editors, how to achieve effective incentives and how to develop the culture of the editorial office. Stimulating editors' initiative and combing the editors' career development with the journal development are significant to maintain the stability of the editorial team and promote the quality of the journal. Strengthening the organization of the editorial team promotes the development of Acta Ecologica Sinica. |
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