Author-friendly editing tactics of sci-tech journals in the era of information network
投稿时间:2010-01-05  修订日期:2010-01-05
中文关键词: 科技期刊  作者友好  信息网络化  编辑作为
英文关键词: sci-tech journal  author-friendliness  information network  editing tactics
基金项目:* 中国高校科技期刊研究会基金项目
陈玲 《中国药科大学学报》编辑部 
王明华 《药学教育》编辑部:210009,南京 
顾凯 《中国药科大学学报》编辑部 
邹栩 《中国药科大学学报》编辑部 
摘要点击次数: 1542
全文下载次数: 1126
      With the popularization and rapid development of internet technology, the traditional print media are facing profound changes in the digital network. Facing the digital publishing environment and more younger contributors, editors of sci-tech journals should adapt to current conditions by utilizing the internet technology and a variety of platforms to achieve the author-friendly editing, such as:improving the retrievability of publications, convenience and accuracy of information for the potential authors; establishing the autonomous journal websites to provide online manuscript processing, educational services and other functions; making use of advance online publishing so as to enhance the power of spreading academic achievements; using interactive technology for the communication with authors based on Web2.0. It is suggested that sci-tech periodicals should cater to the needs of digital publishing by providing high-quality services for the authors to gain a competitive advantage for better survival and development.
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