王淑华,王亨君.“一带一路”背景下中国科技期刊先发战略实践 ——以《Journal of Earth Science》为例.编辑学报,2016,28(6):569-571
“一带一路”背景下中国科技期刊先发战略实践 ——以《Journal of Earth Science》为例
First-mover strategies for Chinese journals in the context of “One Belt and One Road” initiative:a case study of Journal of Earth Science
投稿时间:2015-03-29  修订日期:2015-03-29
中文关键词: “一带一路”  中国科技期刊  先发战略  《地球科学学刊》
英文关键词: “One Belt and One Road”  China’s sci-tech journals  first-mover strategy  Journal of Earth Science
王淑华 中国地质大学《地球科学》编辑部,430074,武汉 
王亨君 中国地质大学《地球科学》编辑部,430074,武汉 
摘要点击次数: 1108
全文下载次数: 1019
      《Journal of Earth Science》在近年的办刊实践中,认识到“一带一路”沿线各国在地质、资源、环境、生态等方面共谋发展的迫切需求和中国地学科技在服务“一路一带”战略上的先天机遇,主动出击,提前谋划,积极服务于国家“一带一路”战略。在办刊定位上注重传播先进科学理论、报道重大共性技术和聚焦国际重大需求,以确定刊物的权威地位;严格学术标准,培养扶持沿线学术人才,提高了刊物的信誉度和作者的忠诚度,产生了刊物的品牌效应;同时一直注重科技创新,形成了一套基于互联网络的编辑出版发行模式和印刷版网络版相互融合的现代化出版模式,不断提升刊物的传播力与影响力。
      Realizing its own opportunities in meeting the challenges in domains of geosciences, resources, environment and ecology posed to the countries involved, Journal of Earth Science has been taking initiatives and making action plan to gear to the “One Belt and One Road” initiative. Firstly, to establish its authority, the aim of Journal of Earth Science pays more attention than ever on its function of spreading advanced scientific theories, reporting the breakthrough in major generic technologies, and focusing on significant international demands. Secondly, to highlight its brand effect, our journal is enforcing stricter academic standards, fostering the talents in the relevant countries and areas with purpose of fostering credibility and loyalty among its contributors. In addition, innovation has always been our first priority, leading to the internet-based editorial and publishing pattern featured with the integrated issuing of Printed-Online versions, which in turn enhances the propagation power and influence of Journal of Earth Science.
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