高虹,李伟玲.“双一流”建设背景下高校学术期刊和学科建设的共生机制研究 ——以河海大学为例.编辑学报,2020,32(5):496-500
“双一流”建设背景下高校学术期刊和学科建设的共生机制研究 ——以河海大学为例
Symbiosis mechanism of academic journals and subjects construction under the background of “Double World-class” Construction:taking Hohai University as an example
中文关键词: 高校学术期刊  学科建设  共生  “双一流”建设
英文关键词: academic journals in universities  subject construction  symbiosis mechanism  “Double World-class” Construction
高虹 河海大学期刊部 
李伟玲 河海大学发展规划与学科建设处:210098,南京 
摘要点击次数: 668
全文下载次数: 1055
      Under the background of “Double World-class” Construction, there are more complex interaction mechanisms between academic journals and subject construction. Taking Hohai University as an example, we introduced symbiosis theory to analyze the cooperation motivation and interaction logic of academic journals and subject construction from the three aspects of symbiosis unit, symbiosis environment and symbiosis model, thus to provide a new research perspective. Our results show that the academic journals and subject construction of Hohai University mainly rely on the two types of qualitative parameters of academic talents and scientific research results for symbiosis. Although the university provides a certain positive environment, the relevant policies are issued late and mostly subject-oriented, the symbiosis of the two mostly relies on unofficial information platforms and cooperation mechanisms; the two are obviously mutually beneficial symbiotic methods, but are still in the intermittent symbiotic stage. We think academic journals and subject construction need to work hard to find a more effective symbiotic path.
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