杨蒿,黄颖,李天惠,刘玉娜,汪道友,李冬梅,王涛.举办国际会议,促进新刊发展——以《极端条件下的物质与辐射》举办同名国际会议为例.编辑学报,2022,34(2):210-214 |
举办国际会议,促进新刊发展——以《极端条件下的物质与辐射》举办同名国际会议为例 |
Promote development of a new journal through organizing international conference:taking Matter and Radiation at Extremes as example |
DOI:10.16811/j.cnki.1001-4314.2022.02.020 |
中文关键词: 科技期刊 新创期刊 国际学术会议 学术水平 国际影响力 |
英文关键词: sci-tech journals new journals international academic conferences academic level international influence |
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摘要点击次数: 350 |
全文下载次数: 722 |
中文摘要: |
学术会议是科研人员交流科技信息与情报的重要平台,是新创期刊快速建立专家网络、提升学术质量、扩大学术影响的重要途径。本文通过分析总结新创英文期刊《极端条件下的物质与辐射》创办同名国际会议的具体实践与经验,梳理了期刊同名国际会议策划与实施的要点和做法,阐述会议在期刊专家资源汇聚、高水平稿件组织、国际影响扩大和创新服务发展4方面对新创英文刊的促进作用,最后给出进一步建设品牌国际会议、促进期刊发展的思考建议。 |
英文摘要: |
As an essential platform for researchers to exchange sci-tech information and progress, academic conferences are naturally important ways for new journals to establish expert community, improve academic quality and enhance academic influence. This paper analyzes the practices and experiences of a new English journal,Matter and Radiation at Extremes,in organizingan annual international conference with the same title, summarizes the key points and measures in planning the conference, and elaborating how this conference facilitating the journal’s development by building academic community, commissioning high quality papers, expanding international influence and providing relevant services. It further provides advices and suggestions on better improvement of the joint effects and mutual promotion of a journal and its brand conference. |
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