徐丽娇,陈广仁.特色评选助力科技期刊高质量发展 ——以《科技导报》“重大进展评选”为例.编辑学报,2023,35(6):676-680
特色评选助力科技期刊高质量发展 ——以《科技导报》“重大进展评选”为例
Characteristic selection activities assist high-quality development of scientific and technological journals:taking “top advances of science, technology and engineering from China” of the Science & Technology Review as an example
中文关键词: 科技期刊  特色评选  科学传播  品牌价值  高质量发展
英文关键词: scientific and technological journals  feature selection  science communication  brand value  high-quality development
徐丽娇 科技导报社《科技导报》编辑部,100081,北京 
陈广仁 科技导报社《科技导报》编辑部,100081,北京 
摘要点击次数: 87
全文下载次数: 432
      To achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance is the only road to promote high-quality development. In order to serve scientific and technological self-reliance, scientific and technological journals should assist the high-quality development by taking scientific and technological evaluation and promoting scientific and technological innovation as the mission and goal. Continue and regular top scientific and technological achievements selection activities would help improve the ability of scientific journals to guide scientific research and promote academic innovation. By holding the activity named “Top advances of science, technology and engineering from China”, the Science & Technology Review focused on displaying high-level scientific and technological achievements, promoting the construction of scientific community, playing the role of high-end science popularization, achieving value-added services and enhancing the brand influence and social value of journals. To improve the content quality and service ability of journals through multi-channels such as characteristic selection activities, scientific journals can optimize strategies in broadening accurate communication channels, building sustainable development models and creating value, to attract high-level scientific and technological achievements, strengthen the brand value, and achieve high-quality development.
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